iheartfaces "Dramatic B&W" Challenge

I used to LOVE shooting in B&W...back when I shot on film and you actually had to CHOSE to shoot B&W. It has a skill set all its own really, and it was even better once I learned how to hand tint photos. But in the new digital age, any photo can be made B&W, but that doesn't mean every photo makes a good B&W picture. This challenge really forced me to cull my photos for what really worked as a B&W shot, and it also challenged me that I need to shoot intentionally B&W more often because I LOVE it.
I love this picture because Mad has the most dramatic eyes. She is gorgeous-the spitting image of her mum-and she goes from "girl-next-door" to "cover model" in the blink of an eye (or really the difference between her smiling vs. serious looks). Equally stunning in color, this photo harkens back to ones I took in my film days. I used PSPP 3's time machine option to age it back to a daguerreotype photo which frames it nicely I think.
Click on the iheartfaces camera above to check out the other entries in this Challenge.