Generations of Virtue Review

It's such a treat to be able to introduce fellow homeschoolers to a company I know and love. Generations of Virtue (GOV) has been a favorite of mine since I first saw their booth at our state homeschool convention a few years ago. Hearing their founder, Julie Hiramine, speak at the convention after that just solidified my views. I'm a GOV groupie! I love everything about them, from their God honoring values as a family and a company to the products they sell to the beautiful purple bags their products come in at convention :-). Here's a brief blurb from their website:
Generations of Virtue is a non-profit, volunteer-driven ministry that equips parents to empower their kids for purity in our world today. We work closely with parents and teens as we provide them with classic and cutting-edge resources to fight the battle for purity.

I liked these books a lot. They are short, positive, pure, and to the point. They discuss the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues that arise during this time of change. They were also very matter-of-fact, and gave great advice for how young girls can handle some of the complications that can come up when they are first beginning their cycle-like unpredictability of when they might start and how to deal with it if they don't have certain items with them for that occasion. I liked that they talked frankly about pads and how to use them. And in the second book they discuss tampons and TSS and swimming and all the other concerns that come with that momentous event. But the second book also is very spiritual in discussing blood in the scriptures and how this monthly event really is a wonderful thing to have happen. The books were so full of simple wisdom, and gave me things to discuss that I never would have thought of, but that I know will make my daughter more comfortable and equipped when she reaches that milestone. I'd highly recommend this series. It's available from GOV for $18.99 for the set.

The other product we reviewed it Teknon and the CHAMPION Warriors. I have been chomping at the bit to try this book for boys with our son, but the recommended age is 11 and up and he just turned 11 this past year. After getting into the book, I understand WHY they suggest that age, and I am glad we waited. Teknon and the CHAMPION Warriors is a book written in the science fiction genre, but with the intention of fostering good, Biblical values on boys. As Teknon travels on his adventure with his father, and friends of his father who are Teknon's mentors, he faces all sorts of situations that boys encounter in the "real" world such as sexual desire, pornography, impulsive behavior, the desire to fit in, etc. In each of these situations Teknon obviously has to make a choice between doing what is right, or following his sinful nature. Sometimes he chooses wisely, sometimes not, but his father and his mentors are always there to discuss his choices afterward and sometimes even to protect him from his choices as he begins to experience their consequences. And because my son and I are reading this book together, I am always there with him to discuss Teknon's choices too, and I would suggest that's how any family approaches it. My son is enjoying this book, but since it does discuss sensitive subjects I want to be sure to be able to weigh in on it and explain things he might not understand. Sex is discussed, but only in light of the idea that it is intended for a married man and woman. Teknon's dad issues him the challenge of not even kissing a girl until he gets married, and explains that while desires are normal and part of how God created us, it is a slippery slope once you give in to a small part of that desire to not give in a little more and more each time. I liked the way it was handled, but I'm glad I was right there with him as he read it.

All in all, I recommend both these resources, and really everything else GOV sells, because they are fantastic ways to walk you through discussing or reinforcing your spiritual beliefs on the topics of purity. The company is committed to selling products that support purity of heart, mind, and body. We've never been disappointed with anything from them, and we have several other resources they sell too.
To visit Generations of Virtue, go HERE.
To see what other reviewers had to say about these products and two others, go HERE.
I have & do also recommend this set!