Beehive Reader Review

Last year, the TOS Crew had the chance to review a spelling curriculum from All About Spelling. This year, AAS has formed a sister company called All About Reading, and they have come out with a reader to complement their Spelling curriculum, but is perfect for any beginning reader.

The Beehive Reader 1 is a beautifully bound hardcover book. It is 160 pages long, and contains 10 beginner reader stories. The words in these stories directly correspond with level one of All About Spelling, but the reader is certainly applicable for ANY beginning reader, whether you are using All About Spelling or not. Each page contains beautiful hand drawn illustrations that complement the text, but do not give away the storyline. The pages are non-glare, so they are easy on the eyes, and the text has a subtle underlining to assist beginner readers in tracking as they read.

The pros: This is a book worthy of keeping for generations to come. Just beautiful. I could gush and gush about the illustrations. You have NEVER seen a reader like this. The stories are meaningful and NOT dumbed down like many beginning readers. My daughter, who is just starting to read, BEGS for me to read her "just one more". And it's so gorgeous that my older kids are happy to read to her too because they like the pictures.
The cons: The ONLY con would be the price. This book is $19.95. If ever a reader came close to being worth that, it would be this one, but I still think it's a bit steep. It is totally professionally bound and just gorgeous, but $20 just seems a little pricey to me. Of course, given that it is 10 stories, and bought individually even cheap readers are $2 each, so it probably really is a great deal-it's just hard to swallow in one bite-or book-as the case may be.
The bottom line: You can't go wrong with this reader. Have I mentioned it's amazing? Really, really beautiful. If you hold on to books and like spending your money wisely by investing in quality, then this is the book for you. Since my kids are doing All About Spelling, I imagine I will be buying the other levels when they come out too. I almost can't wait to see them!
To see what other members of the TOS Crew had to say, go HERE. To order the Beehive Reader 1, go HERE.
Legal disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received a free copy of this book for the purpose of giving this review. That free book is the only payment I received.