This is a bit of a different type of product for the TOS Crew to review, in that it is not a curriculum, or even an educational "toy". It is, however, something that has become indispensable in my house, and I'm thrilled to tell you about it.
Developed as a means of relieving some of the real, physical pain involved in doing homework, STUDYPOD is a neat book-sized plastic box that opens up into a book holder. It is truly ingenious in its simplicity. A fold out metal arm braces it from the back and two more metal arms swing out once you open it up to hold your book open. Because it's book sized, it's very easy to store and carry, and it weighs next to nothing. But, it is fully capable of holding open MUCH taller books than the STUDYPOD itself, and it can hold open thick books (like Harry Potter or my very thick paperback Good Housekeeping Cookbook) up to about 2 1/2 inches thick.

Inside, it has room to store a few pens, and other small objects (index cards, notepaper, calculator, etc.).

The potential uses are endless, and even though it's portable, you'll want more than one, or everyone will be fighting over it. We've used ours to hold up the kids' reading and copy work while they are working at the table, to hold Mimi's sheet music for her Hammered Dulcimer, and to hold open my thick cookbook that I mentioned above, in addition to using it to hold open books I'm reading for pleasure. (As an added bonus that your kids won't pick up on, but you will, it encourages good study habits by fostering proper posture since the reading material is at eye level. Gotta love that!)
I highly recommend STUDYPOD to you. It's one of those products you will use so much you'll wonder how you ever got by without it. It is available HERE, and the normal price is $19.95. BUT special for you, my lovely blog readers, is a $5 off code. Just type in TOSBLOG5 at checkout. They also have fund-raising opportunities available.
When you visit their site, you will notice that a BOOKPOD is also available. They are the SAME product, just available in different colors. The STUDYPOD comes in black, pink, and blue, and the BOOKPOD comes in black, grey, and beige.
To read what other members of the TOS Crew had to say, go HERE.