Bible Story Songs Review
I'm one of those musical people (if only my talent matched my enthusiasm :-). I love to sing, and so we listen to music a LOT. And my kids routinely listen to books on tape or music at bed time to fall asleep, so we were very happy to receive a CD to review!
Bible Story Songs are CDs that contain simple songs with specific scripture or Biblical character truths set to music. Many of the songs are tunes the kids might recognize, like Turkey in the Straw, but others are original. The CD we received to review was Matthew Chapter 1-8. There are CDs for Moses (two parts), Matthew (two parts), David: Shepherd, Psalmist, Soldier, King, and The Bible, as well as single disk "little kids" versions of Moses and Matthew.

Cons: The only ones I can think of is that every once in a while the lyrics (because they are sung by kids) might be a bit hard to make out, but since the written version is included, that is easy to get past. And obviously, the target audience is probably lower middle school and younger.
The bottom line to me is these are GREAT. I'd love to own the whole set. In fact, I'd love it if they covered the whole Bible AND I owned the whole set. The CDs are $9.95 each, but the price decreases with quantity ordered, so if you order even 2-3, the price is $8.49 each instead of $9.99. To order all the Cds they currently sell, they would be $7.49 each. And, you can contact them for information about selling these CDs as a fundraiser with up to 50% profit. Go HERE to order your own Bible Story Songs CDs.
Many TOS Crew members received other CDs to review instead of Matthew. To read what they thought, go HERE.