All About Homophones Review

Ready for some fun? Try saying this 5 times fast!
A fly and a flea flew into a flue,
said the fly to the flea, “What shall we do?”
“Let us fly,” said the flea.
Said the fly, “Shall we flee?”
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
Wait! There's more...What do you call bunny fur? Hare hair.
So what does that have to do with this review?
So what does that have to do with this review?
At 240 pages long, All About Homophones is very comprehensive. It is divided into sections, and features everything from basic worksheets for the word and its definition to fill in the blanks to homophone cards and tons of games to play with them to crossword puzzles, limericks and tongue twisters (like the one above), and riddles.
To me, this book has lots of "pros". It's unique in its singular focus on homophones, and it covers them with far more detail than any other resource I've seen. The homophones are divided into suggested grade levels to give you some guidance as to what to introduce when. The use of crossword puzzles, tongue twisters, and riddles adds a ton of fun to something that must be learned by memory and will be a lifelong struggle if it's not. And to covers all learning styles, from visually seeing, to kinesthetic game playing, to hearing them in the riddles. It also covers different teaching styles, so if straight forward presentation is more your thing the worksheets and word/definition pages will be great for you, but if you teach in a more laid back way, the tongue twisters and riddles may be more your style.
As far as "cons" go, the biggest one I can see is the price. The print book is $29.95, and the e-book is $27.95. At 240 pages, printing the e-book, even just the pages you need, would add to the price significantly, and therefore I don't think the e-book is priced low enough. True, e-books give you a non-consumable resource, but still, I feel there should be a more sizable difference in the price. And while this resource is meant to cover grades 1-8, it still might be a hefty price for one topic in one subject, and certainly one that will be supplemental to whatever other curriculum you are currently using for language arts.
Luckily, I have a special offer if you are interested in the product, but want it at a better price! FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, you can get $10 off either version! Simply go to All About Homophones' website HERE and enter the word FUN in the customer code box when you order. This offer is only good through February 2nd, so be sure to order now to get the best deal!
So what's the bottom line? I think this is a really well put together book. It has tons of activities and I definitely need to cover this material with my kids because these are some of their most common spelling errors. BUT, I'm probably too thrifty to buy it full price. I would consider getting the e-book at the $10 off price though. I like the e-book format because there is no shipping and it's always there and you can print the number of pages you need.
To read what other members of the TOS Crew have to say, go HERE.
thought this is a perfect way to make my first post!
Monte Phil
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