The Classical Historian Medieval History Memory Game Review

It's my privilege to introduce you to The Classical Historian and their History for Kids games.  Specifically, we were able to try out their Medieval History Memory Game.

In addition to the Medieval History game, they have Memory available for Ancient History and for American History.  The also offer Go Fish games for all three historical time periods as well.   There are 64 tiles in the Medieval History game (32 different images).  What makes this Memory game unique is that in addition to the traditional way to play Memory (turn all the tiles face down, then on their turn each player turns over two tiles hoping for a match), they also have some tiles printed with regions (a.k.a. categories) such as Europe or the Far East and you older, more historically informed students can race to see who can put all of the matching tiles into the correct category.

The pros:  The tiles are printed on substantial cardboard, so they are well made.  The images are clear and the font is easy to read.  I love the versatility that the categories offer, and the ease with which this game allows you to introduce even young children to historical icons and events.  My eight year old said, "Be sure to tell them that it's AWESOME."  As we move into our writing intensive in a few weeks, I plan to allow them to chose a tile to research and write about--there is everything from Chinese Compass to Black Death to Cathedral and Leaning Tower of Pisa, so the topics covered are vast.  I also like that you could make the game location specific by just using tiles that correspond with one category, such as The Americas, if you want to concentrate the learning even more specifically.

The cons:  None, except that I want them all...and the Go Fish cards too :-).

The Bottom Line:  I think these games are a great resource, and I've very keen to try out the Go Fish games too as they allow you to play 4 different ways, so they are very versatile too.  The Memory games are $14.95 each and the Go Fish games are $11.95 each.  Beyond the games, The Classical Historian offers complete classical history curriculum for each of the three time periods, and even the option of online classes.

To see what other members of Mosaic Reviews had to say, go to the Mosaic Reviews blog.


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