Happy Birthday Mimi

Happy Birthday Mimi!!!

I have been blessed with a wonderful daughter.  Really, from the moment she was born, I knew God had special plans for her.  Always one to keep up with the big kids, not matter how incredibly petite she was, Mimi never let anything hold her back.  When she was ready to learn to ride a bike, she did-just like that, all in one bike ride.  She approaches all of life that way, She's very artistic, and everything about her reflects that, but when she is driven to want to learn something, nothing will stop her.  She is currently teaching herself Japanese.
Her love for Manga (Japanese Anime books) and Anime led to her passion not only for the language, but also for that drawing style.  Which led to learning to draw digitally.  Which led to her sharing her digital self portrait on an online site we are reviewing for homeschoolers.  Which led to her getting the opportunity to work on a student-designed video game.  Her talent quickly paved the way for her to become the head background artist, and being in charge of several characters.  As the project grew, they brought in an adult with experience working for Disney and many other animation/gaming companies.  He has made her "lead artist" on the project.  This all happened in the past week, and she's currently in the process of assembling her team that will work with her.  And she turns 15 today. I don't do the gushing mom thing well, but I'm very proud of her.  She has a God given talent, and she is searching for a way to use it to His glory in the opportunities He brings her way.     She's also a great help to me at home, and she helps out with the toddler class at church.  She is truly a blessing, and I'm thankful God chose me to be her mom.

Happy 15th birthday Mimi!


Julie said…
Beautiful! (She is and this post is) So awesome about the lead artist thing!! We had a photo album of Jake's babyhood out yesterday and we discussing how sweet little Mimi was!! Happy Birthday to her!!

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