The question is not IF attempts will be made to limit religious freedoms, but when. And when that day comes, will you stay silent?
PERSECUTED, a Daniel Lusko film, is being released today nationwide. I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to read the novelization of the film. Here the official "blurb" about the story.
The most popular evangelist of his day, John Luther, simply wants to share the Gospel and enjoy a quiet life with his family. He never asked to be at the center of a political controversy, but an ill wind has been blowing through the halls of Congress, and supporters of a new religious-equality bill see Luther's endorsement as critical. But when Luther refuses to lend his support, he unknowingly sets in motion an explosive plan bent on destroying his reputation and undermining everything for which he stands. His once-normal life is turned upside down as he becomes a fugitive left with only one dangerous option--putting everything he holds most dear at risk while he fights to expose the truth. It is a mission that brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that could threaten the very fabric of our nation's freedoms.
OBM says: I literally read this book in a day. It's a shame it's a novelization of a movie and not the other way around because there is SO much farther the story could be taken. I hope the author will continue the story line and delve into "what comes next". But with that being said, I have to say this is a gripping story that, while fiction today, may be fact in the not-too-distant-future. We need to understand this, and we need to know what we stand for...what we will speak up for...what we are willing to lay down our lives for. In this story, you see how easy it is to destroy a man's reputation, and how quickly even those who know you well can be persuaded that you have fallen. But you also see that one man's unwillingness to compromise CAN be all it takes. God can use one lone voice standing up for what is right even when all the others cry out that the ways of the world really aren't that bad. We in America really have no idea what it's like to be persecuted for our faith. Not yet. But the day may come, and soon, when we all have to make a choice. When we all have to say, "I will not be silent."
I imagine it makes a powerful movie, and I'd encourage you to check it out, although it's PG-13 and for good reason. In fact, I'd probably urge even more caution than that, as the the way they destroy the reputation Luther is sexual in nature, and I'm not sure how that's portrayed in the movie. But if you are interested in the book, I have good news for you! I'm giving away a copy! Just enter below (open to U.S. and Canada residents only, I'm afraid).
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