Three Things Thursday- 7/17/2014
How can it be Thursday already? The older I get, the faster time flies.
This cracks me up. Almost enough to make up for my frustration at seeing it ALL. DAY. LONG. TODAY. But really, this is TOTALLY me when it comes to the internet not working, just waving my little T-rex arms around in frustration. That's one of those questions for God someday...those little stick arms on T-rex, what exactly is the story there?
2) For the handful of you that read this week after week, let me say we had the best 4 day vacation ever. Fay's was amazing. My sister-in-law surprised us all and she and her family did indeed come, so my kids got to see their cousin and aunt and uncle. We actually got to spend lots more time with Nana and Pop Pop than I had expected as we ended up inviting them all to "the farm" to spend the day with us on Saturday. The highlight for my kids, and for me, was the creek running next to the house and the pond and the 4-wheelers and golf cart. It kept them outdoors dawn to dusk and then some. For four days, they had the childhood I had (minus maybe the 4 wheelers and golf cart) and it was priceless.
3) I always mean to blog about the little God moments and forget, so I'm going to now. TJ came home from camp feeling like his haircut is too "little boy-ish". The thing is, he's had the same haircut forever, and we tried a different look once before and hated it, so we aren't sure what to do, but I got a bee in my bonnet to take him to get his hair cut and get mine cut at the same time (I haven't had mine cut in about a year). I even trolled the 'net for pictures of teen boy hairstyles that might work with his hair type and current style. But suddenly, he wasn't interested. I couldn't convinced him, no matter what I tried. So I didn't get mine cut either.
Fast-forward to the mountains of NC, and my car AC suddenly dying. If I had gotten my haircut, it would not have been long enough to reach into the ponytail that became a necessity for every car ride we took, especially given I was the one driving. See? God is good, and He cares about even the little details. Oh, and the AC problem? It was a blown fuse, so we are rolling again as good as new.
Want to link up with Three Things Thursday? Just visit Heidi's blog.
