I Heart Faces "Hilarious Outtakes"

This week's photo contest over at I Heart Faces is "Hilarious Outtakes" and we are allowed to submit FIVE pictures. It was soooo hard to chose, but these are some good ones.

This is my daughter, who, yes, in the middle of our photo shoot decided she needed to pick her nose...NOW. And when I commented on it, she stuck both her fingers up her nose and smiled at me...She's classy, I know :-).

My Godson, from AWANA awards night. He has probably the longest tongue I have ever seen, and enjoys sticking it up his nose when you try to take his picture.

A group of my good friends got together, and something got Aunt Fanny making faces. It still make me laugh every time I see it.

It's a brave man who lets his daughter do this to him, and then lets his wife put the picture on the internet!

We were in NY this summer, and I was trying to get a nice picture of my brother and his fiancee. Unfortunately, a cheeky Junebug had a different idea. That's what hit Sheila's chin right when I snapped this shot.


Tiffany said…
You're in trouble....
BE~ Photography Blog said…
oh how I hate those June bugs!!!! What a funny shot!
the monkeys' mama said…
Aunt Fanny is priceless! LOVE it! great fun and hilarious capture.
He & Me + 3 said…
Oh no about the Junebug. Yuck LOL
Karin said…
Love the junebug photo...too funny. I would have freaked out to have a junebug anywhere near my face. ewwww....
Rachelle said…
my kiddo and I were just yesterday talking about JuneBugs.... honestly didn't think they existed (just a silly idiom). Was this one happy?
oneblessedmamma said…
Rachelle-I suppose it (and my sister-in-law to be) was happy it didn't land in her mouth!

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