Rain by Kathryn Hewitt Review

In the past, I had the opportunity to review Snow, Kathryn Hewitt's first book about Ruth and her struggles with her past and her relationships.  This time, I had the chance to read through the second book about Ruth's life called Rain.

Here is a little bit about the book:
For every decision made there is a consequence that is certain to follow. Whether the consequence is beneficial or distressing, it must exist.
Rain continues the story of Ruth three and a half years after the miraculous event that changed her life forever. Now a mother of a toddler, Ruth is found moving herself back in to the college dormitory for the second year.
Feeling as though she isn’t worth the love of a good man, Ruth sabotages her relationship with James; the man she believes is her one true soul mate. Unable to accept his love and grace, she sends him away believing it is the right thing to do. But Ruth has much to learn about love and grace. Like she felt with James, so she feels about her faith; undeserved and unworthy.
Lost in a state of depression and feeling the effects of a raging storm, Ruth is desperate to find something of solidity to grasp ahold. After a traumatic sexual assault, she finds herself in a depression much deeper than she’d ever imagine. Feeling as though only bad things happen to bad people, she sets course a path of self destruction, determined to drown herself in the shame she believes she deserves.
It’s been said, When it rains, it pours. And for Ruth, that statement couldn’t ring more true. When storm after storm brings pelting rain and raging winds into Ruth’s life, she gives up on ever regaining the innocence she’d once had. Blinded by depression and desperation Ruth can’t see the shelters continuously being provided for her. Though she turned her back on her faith, the One who extends mercy, gives Ruth the grace she desperately needs. Now, Ruth must find her way back and cling to the faith that saved her once before.  

About the author:

 Kathryn Hewitt was born and raised in the small town of Camden, South Carolina. Breaking away from becoming a stereotype, she was an Honors Graduate and went on to study British Literature and Sociology at Charleston Southern University, inspiring to be a High School English teacher.Kathryn has a passion for teaching teenagers and reaching out to those who seem as though the world has closed the door. Because of her own experiences, including becoming a teenage mother at fifteen, Kathryn knows the value of life and the blessings it contains. Understanding the importance of making wise decisions, Kathryn passionately seeks to instill that wisdom into the minds of every young lady she encounters. The inspiration for Kathryn's writings comes from her own experiences, and she is never afraid to speak the truth that others refuse to acknowledge.Kathryn married in 2005 and is a stay at home mom with her four sons. She and her family currently live in the same town she grew up.

OBM says:  Not every book can be a favorite for every reader, and in truth, I found that I preferred the first book in this series over this one.  Poor Ruth is very self destructive, and that's maybe just heavier subject matter than I was looking for right now.  And I found the story hard to follow sometimes as it would flash back to past events without any notice.   A few little dots or a squiggly line or something to separate the time line would have been helpful, but then I was reading the e-version, so it's possible the print version supplies those.  I did enjoy continuing Ruth's story, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to read and review Rain, even if it wasn't my favorite.  God does work things out in ways we don't expect and always for our good according to His plan for us, but we have to learn to fully trust and depend on Him, which is definitely a prevailing theme in Rain, and a good reminder for us all.


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