My fair lady...and gentlemen
My kids entered many of their pieces of art and their handiwork into the fair. Today was "dollar day" and it was a total wash-out. It has rained every afternoon for 4 days, and we need the rain, so that is wonderful, but not so great for the fair. Around 6, Mimi, TJ, and I braved the weather to go see how they did with their entries. (On other days admission is $7 each, so today is the only day we would even contemplate going to see how they did.) I had to move barricades out of the way just to park, because my mini-van is not an off-road vehicle, and I was NOT going driving through the tire-deep puddles in the parking area when there was plenty of paved parking just beyond the barricade. It's not like ANYONE else in their right mind was entering the fair then anyway. In fact, they were literally locking up the buildings at 6:45 when we left because the rain was so bad.
But it was not for naught. My kids did well with their entries, and I am proud of them. I would have been proud of them even if they did not win, since they did the very best they could do, but it is nice for them to receive encouragement for and recognition of their hard work by more than just their family and friends. Below are a few pictures.
Mimi took 7 first places, including one Best of Show. She also got 3 second places, and one third (which is surprising, because her painting of shapes is really pretty good-better than I could do, LOL).
TJ took one third, one second and 2 firsts, including one Best of Show. (He only had 4 things entered.)

Scott also had 4 things entered. He got a first, 2 seconds, and a third. Amazing for my "non-artistic" child!
