House Painting day...I don't know what #
It's kind of like the never ending project. We have a LOT of house. And in some places, it has three different levels to paint. Even with Kiwi's husband's help, we are still only about half done.
Here you can see the upper level over the roof on the right, the middle level, and the still white lowest level. It's a lot to paint...
I'm not photogenic under the best of circumstances, but I'm publishing this because it shows the level of sheer exhaustion we are at...this was about 12:30 New Year's Day. All three of us girls sat down under the quilt for a short break before going to my mom's and were asleep in no time. Oh, and I still LOVE my quilt :-).
You wanna come help me paint my interior after ya'll are done with your exterior? You've got some skills...;)