Update on all things Chicken
The girls have moved into their new digs, which we were cryptically calling "the playhouse", but then everyone in the neighborhood found out anyway, so now it's the coop...or if we are feeling fancy, the aviary.
Here's a recent picture of the girls. I can no longer tell the 3 Red Stars apart at all. They were very different in appearance, but now they look the same. They are still lighter in color on the butt end, but they definitely changing.
This is Buttercup, our easter egger. She has green legs, and she pretty markings. She is the most docile of the four, although they are all very nice. She's also the smartest of them all by far.
We used some different materials-the clear roofing was expensive, and probably not practicle here in FL...unless you want to grow and ROAST your chickens in one easy step, LOL.