Who Am I?

I'm a huge genealogy buff.  Knowing who I am, who my people were...it's important to me.  It's important to God too, or there would be so many pages and pages of "begats" in the Bible.  I'm fairly confident of who I am in Him, and vastly interested of who I am in terms of history...both my family's and the history I will be part of.

Years and years ago, I did the old fashioned sort of geneology.  You know, the kind that involved microfiche, basements of official buildings, and EVEN the records in Salt Lake City.  My mom and I did it together, and it was a great bonding activity.

And then I had kids 😛.

Fast forward to today.  We live in time where you can find everything my mom and I found over many, many years and many, many miles with a few clicks of a button.  It's amazing.  But having spent some time on Ancestry.com, I can tell you it's also VERY easy for people to take the easy-way out and not double check the info...and then when they share it, it just spreads the incorrect info.

Thanks to a good friend of mine who is also into genealogy, I decided on Black Friday to buy one of those Ancestry DNA kits.  Really there were no surprises,but it was fun to have people who are 4th or 5th cousins reach out.

So who am I?

I'm 46% England, Wales, and NW Europe
I'm 14% Ireland and Scotland (It's Scotland...this I know for sure.)
I'm 8% European Jew (This was not a "surprise" but a confirmation of an old family story)
I'm 7% Eastern Europe and Russia
I'm 7% Sweden
I'm 6% Norway

I know I've got Dutch heritage, so I'm assuming that's the Norway/Sweden.  The Eastern Europe and Russia is a little less clear based on the lines I've traced so far, but it will be fun to find out.

So...who are you?


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