Proud mom moment
Today was a ridiculously busy day. Really. So busy, I was overwhelmed at all we had to do. So God took care of some of it for me. That's right, you can blame the morning's deluge on me, LOL. We were supposed to walk with our HS group in a parade this morning, followed very quickly afterward by cheer leading, followed by basketball, followed by the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet.
Well, this morning, it was raining cats and dogs, and so our participation in the parade was cancelled at the last minute. It was an answer to prayer. In the end, the parade itself was cancelled due to the rain. So I spent the morning folding Mt. Washmore. BUT, I made HUGE progress. BUT, it's still all on my living room floor. Why? Because I always try to work until the very last second, and never allow enough time for clean-up.
So out the door we went to cheer leading, followed immediately by basketball (in the same place, but separated by an hour). When we finished basketball, we ran quickly to my mom's to take Uncle Michael his GS cookies, and then off to the Blue and Gold Banquet, which was about an hour from our house.
We were thrilled that Gram, Grandpa, cousin Bam-Bam (whom Gram is watching this week-end) and Uncle Michael all came too. See, tonight was very special. Tonight was not just an award night, but it was also (snif, snif) my oldest son's "Crossing Over" to Boy Scouts. Wow! What a neat ceremony. they are de-vested of their Cub attire (neckerchief, slide, shoulder boards, and hat) by their Den leader while standing in front of their parents, then the parents go to the other side of the bridge, and the boys one by one shake the hands of their whole Cub Pack (not though as a "good-bye", but just a "hope I'll see you soon as a Boy Scout" sort of encouragement), then they "cross over" a bridge to their troop leader and a boy scout who are waiting on the other side to re-vest them as Boy Scouts (new neckerchief, slide, and Boy scout shoulder boards) and then they come to stand with their parents again. Scott said it was the best night ever. K and I were both blinking back tears.
After the ceremony, there were fireworks set to the song "Proud to be an American". Very COOL.
Not to leave him out, TJ also received many awards tonight that he has earned recently.
Also, all 5 of the boys in Scott's Den earned their Arrow of Light before crossing over. It is the highest award given in Cub the Eagle Scout of Cub Scouts. It's the one award you can earn as a Cub that you wear not only on your Boy Scout Uniform, but also can wear as an Adult. Big stuff. We are all very proud of them.