WARNING! Soft porn below...
That ought to peak your interest. What's even more interesting is how soft porn ties into our lesson on CREATION today.
Only in MY house!
So we were studying Adam and Eve today, and the activity for the kids to do was to try their hand at "creating" by creating a MAN out of clay and then taking a piece of that clay man and making a WOMAN. My boys went straight to work with their clay blog-like people.
This is TJ's. The one on the left looks odd because it's Adam and his torso was a tad rearranged when TJ removed the rib to make Eve.
Here's Scott's even more odd looking pair, complete with the rib in between the two of them.
And then there's Mimi.
She apparently thought the Adam and Eve thing should be recreated quite LITERALLY.
As in sans clothes.
Sans clothes...but avec genitalia (sans means without and avec means with...but I imagine you could look at the picture and figure that out.)
You really don't want to blow this picture up, be trust me when I say that Adam's crossed arms only frame his...well, you can figure it out.
Oh. my.
Only in MY house!
So we were studying Adam and Eve today, and the activity for the kids to do was to try their hand at "creating" by creating a MAN out of clay and then taking a piece of that clay man and making a WOMAN. My boys went straight to work with their clay blog-like people.
And then there's Mimi.
She apparently thought the Adam and Eve thing should be recreated quite LITERALLY.
As in sans clothes.
Sans clothes...but avec genitalia (sans means without and avec means with...but I imagine you could look at the picture and figure that out.)
Oh. my.