So many things to blog about...

So little time given all that I should be doing :-).

We went to the Calvary Chapel Pastor's Conference Mon.-Wed. It was our first time going (my family personally, not our church). Everyone kept telling me how much I'd LOVE it...and I did. It was wonderful on many levels. First, it was great to hear in person (I'm with Ann that there is a real power to hearing the teaching first person...and I'm so technologically ignorant that even podcasts are beyond me) many of the pastors I had heard about. To say I especially liked one or the other would imply I did not like the rest, so I won't say that, but they each had a different style and it was fun to hear them all "do their thing". Second, it makes you appreciate even more how great our pastor is. I mean really. He is so gifted by God to correctly divide His word. He could have totally held his own and then some with all these "heavy hitters", but I'm glad he wasn't up there. I'm glad he had the chance to get his cup filled without any expectations being placed on him, and I'm glad his wife got to go to the luncheon for senior pastor's wives and visit with some wonderful people.
Tuesday was a great and terrible day all rolled into one. The kids had an all day field trip to the zoo while we had sessions all day. The great part I'll cover in the next blog. The terrible part? TJ threw up at breakfast that morning. YEP, right in the hotel's breakfast area. But then he jumped up and started playing with L and running around, and since it was mostly, well, snot, that he threw up (after sniffling a lot in his sleep), we thought that was it. Although I did tell the people in the youth area what had happened, but even they were still encouraging about him going to the zoo and brushed it off.
We got a message after lunch that he had thrown up AT LUNCH at the zoo. But again, the chaperon said he was fine afterward, and they didn't think it was anything of concern. He did apparently get warm (they were wearing 2 shirts-what we dressed them in and then the conference T-shirt over it so they could easily identify the group), and they took him to a car to sit in the air conditioning for a few minutes, but then back to the zoo, and back to normal.
Dinner. YEP, they fed him I need to say more? Actually, they called because he was running a low temp. when they got back from the zoo, and so I left our lovely church folks dinner and went to get him. He had not gotten sick, that waited until I got there. I picked him up, we headed for the car, and suddenly, he turns to me and says, "I don't feel so good."
Okay, now what you need to know is that this church is an old Walmart, and the bathrooms are at the FAR corners of the world. We, on the other hand, are in the middle of everything. Oh, and there are NO garbage cans. NONE. I know, because that frantic mom mode kicks in, and there were none to be found. So we get almost to the lobby (where there ARE garbage cans) and, you guessed it, pizza puke on the floor...and in the closest water fountain. Did I mention I was carrying Sari, who is passed out in the deepest sleep possible? SO I round the corner, leaving TJ at the water fountain, and with Sari tipping over with my every lean, so I can't bend down to do anything about the mess, and find the lady working in the bookstore. She was SO kind, and handled everything, while escorted my son, and my still passed out daughter to the car, where Sari promptly woke up as soon as I sat her down.
We met my husband back at the hotel, and he took Sari back to the conference, while I hung out with TJ, who finished barfing up the pizza, took a bath, and then we watched the first Fabulous Four movie, and he bemoaned a headache. He fell asleep, slept the rest of the night, woke up a few times whining, but always went back to sleep, and then was PERFECTLY FINE in the morning. But, we played it safe and went home instead of finishing out the conference. By the time evening came on Wednesday, he went to AWANA with Tuesday's events just a distant memory. Weird huh? If he had never eaten on Tuesday, he would have been fine until the fever episode in the evening, and even that cleared right up. So far, all the other kids are totally fine too. Prayerfully, all the kids who were with TJ Monday and Tuesday will remain fine also, but I think they will, since these really just seems to be a fluke sort of thing. But it did put a damper on my night, and put an early end to our conference. Ironically, the morning session we missed was about the Wiles of the Devil. It was the continuation of a session from Tuesday and talked about the ploys the Devil uses. Hummmmm, maybe that illness wasn't such a fluke after all...


Randi Sue said…
It sounds like a day only a Mom would relate to.

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