Taking a moment to brag
My daughter has THE WORST handwriting. Atrocious really. It's been a point of contention between us for, well, ever, since I am the one who has to READ what she wrote. She's ten, and I know some of you have child prodigies who learned to write in calligraphy with a feather dipped in ink at the ripe age of three, so this is not impressive to you, but here is a sample of her "intentional best" handwriting from yesterday (it's her spelling lesson-did I also mention she's an equally atrocious speller???).
To compare, I offer you her "normal" chicken scratch from work earlier in the day.
I think we've made a break through...at least I HOPE we have. I'd sure like to read more of the sample at the top-all the letters clear and made correctly-and less of the chaos of her normal work!
I understand your joy!