My Day Ten
In the "traditional" sense of the word, absolutely NO school was done in our house today. Instead, we began our day with cooking lessons...primarily how to make pancakes, which Mimi has been chomping at the bit to have. Then we headed out with our friends to Hidden Waters again. It's become a Friday thing, and the kids LOVE it. I love it too, as it gives them just a taste of what it was like to grow up when I was young and we could just disappear into the woods for hours to play. I know the above picture is out of focus, but I kind of like the effect :-). It's of the kids (from a previous week) heading down into the preserve.
Frustratingly, I also started the day with a migraine. This one fortunately was a regular one, and after taking meds I began making slow steps toward normalcy.
When we got home from Hidden Waters, the kids again made pancakes for their lunch (LOVING their new found skill!), and afterward Scott pulled his typical disappearing act. I decided NOT to stress about it. Instead I laid down to take a short nap, and after that I was finally headache free.
My sister came over in the afternoon, and I ran to get copies made of my kids' recent artwork. I had a $5 coupon, and the copies cost $4.41, so they were FREE-gotta love that!
When I finally got home, she left, and left us with my nephew for the night. We had our first ever Good Friday Service at the new building, but I was not able to go, as Scott still had not reappeared, and I had already decided that 5 kids in a pseudo-kid friendly service was NOT going to enhance my emotional connection to this day.
So instead we had a special dinner. Can you guess what it was? That's right...pancakes! This time I made them, and sprinkled them with mini-chocolate chips. Yum!
Currently the kids are watching James and the Giant Peach, which I have never seen before. I spent a good hour with two four year olds in my lap-does it get better than that?