31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 2

Favorite Quote:

I actually have a book where I keep quotes and other inspirational things, but more and more my favorite quotes are from scripture.  So I'll share one of each.

* My to-do list is my to-do list.  There are plenty of hours in each day to accomplish God's plans.
I guess this speaks to me because I often feel like I have SO MUCH to do, but in reality, there will be enough time to accomplish the things that truly matter in accordance to God's will for me, and the rest wasn't really important to begin with.

*  Let no unkind word proceed from you mouth, but only that which is good for edification according to the need at the moment, that it may give grace to those that hear.  Ephesians 4:29
I often say I need this tattooed to the forehead of everyone I speak to.  Your words should build others up, not tear them down.  They should be graceful, not tactless.


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