31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 8

Today's question is, "What's your biggest pet peeve?"   At first, I was thinking I don't really have any.  And then I uploaded pictures from my phone to my computer and found this:

This was us at the Shamu show recently, and this guy was sitting in front of poor Sari.  SO here's my pet peeve...your ipad is NOT a camera.  I know it has a camera, but it's NOT a camera.  And every time you raise it up to take a picture or video, the people behind you can't see the show AT ALL.  Pretty much every cool thing Shamu did was lost on Sari because the view above was all she saw :-(.  More and more, I am seeing people walking around the theme parks with their ipads and using them as cameras, completely oblivious to how much they are ruining things for the people stuck behind them.


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