Week in review part 2
I can't remember an hour ago, let alone a few days ago, but here's a good try:
Wednesday: We had a field trip to a local news station. The people at the station were FABULOUS with the kids, and we actually got to sit in the studio for the noon news. The kids all loved it. Oh, and did I mention that, as with anything else, it was more than just "get up and go on the field trip". This was dress the kids in nice clothes and potentially for a cold environment (TV studios have a way of being chilly), pack lunches for 5 people, pick out appropriate movies for Sari and then drive Sari 15 minutes in the OPPOSITE direction to her daddy so he could watch her since she was not allowed to go on the field trip, drive BACK by our house on the way to Marie's to get her oldest two to take with us, drive 45 minutes down to the news station, cram half a sandwich down everyone's throat before walking in the door, be prepared at the field trip to distribute Book-It and Ren Faire stuff to the correct recipients, AND the obvious- take a tour of the station :-). I held my breath during the news broadcast as live TV and children don't always go well together, but no one made a peep, so it was great.
Here are the kids clowning around with the "green screen" used for the weather.
Wednesday: We had a field trip to a local news station. The people at the station were FABULOUS with the kids, and we actually got to sit in the studio for the noon news. The kids all loved it. Oh, and did I mention that, as with anything else, it was more than just "get up and go on the field trip". This was dress the kids in nice clothes and potentially for a cold environment (TV studios have a way of being chilly), pack lunches for 5 people, pick out appropriate movies for Sari and then drive Sari 15 minutes in the OPPOSITE direction to her daddy so he could watch her since she was not allowed to go on the field trip, drive BACK by our house on the way to Marie's to get her oldest two to take with us, drive 45 minutes down to the news station, cram half a sandwich down everyone's throat before walking in the door, be prepared at the field trip to distribute Book-It and Ren Faire stuff to the correct recipients, AND the obvious- take a tour of the station :-). I held my breath during the news broadcast as live TV and children don't always go well together, but no one made a peep, so it was great.
We got home around 1:30, but I was tired (I'm fighting a cold) so I took a nap instead of packing up the kids and taking them to PE. That was such a relief, and the nap helped me feel better. I had totally drugged myself up for the field trip so I wouldn't sneeze or sniffle, but the meds were really wearing me out. Anyway, the rest of that afternoon is a blur by now, but the kids had AWANA, so we found everyone's books, learned some verses, and headed out the door for that.
Thursday: I think I actually did something that resembled school with at least TJ, but the kids were playing so nicely in the boys' room and I had work to get done around the house, that really I let them just have a laid-back sort of day. Mimi did NOT have girl scouts, which was nice too, but TJ did have soccer and my husband had to be at church early and TJ's normal ride from soccer to church was sick so I went to his soccer practice and we got to church right when it started. I am confident that we actually did something else on Thursday that invloved running at a frenetic pace somewhere, but someone else will have remind me what it was because I've long since forgotten.
Thursday: I think I actually did something that resembled school with at least TJ, but the kids were playing so nicely in the boys' room and I had work to get done around the house, that really I let them just have a laid-back sort of day. Mimi did NOT have girl scouts, which was nice too, but TJ did have soccer and my husband had to be at church early and TJ's normal ride from soccer to church was sick so I went to his soccer practice and we got to church right when it started. I am confident that we actually did something else on Thursday that invloved running at a frenetic pace somewhere, but someone else will have remind me what it was because I've long since forgotten.
Friday: Where to start? We went to the park for our usual park day, and also to meet a friend of someone from church who drove all the way from Tampa to discuss homeschooling with us. She is not a believer so it was very important to my friend that she meet some nice Godly women. She met us, so let's hope that was good enough :-). Actually, she is now seriously planning on homeschooling, as she says we had an aura about us. Pretty sure that has little to do with homeschooling and much more to do with something else lacking in her life, but at least it is a step in the right direction. God can work on the rest, and if He uses us again for that, I'm open to it. After the park we went directly to a friend's used book sale and the yard sale of another friend and got so swept away that we were 25 minutes late picking up R from school. I felt TERRIBLE! Luckily, their car pick-up line is about that long, so it's not like we were noticeably that late to her. I still apologized profusely. We got home around 3:30 and had to be out the door again by 5:45 for Mimi's art show in a local town.
Then straight from there to Into the Woods, Jr...a musical that several of our homeschool friends were in.
We took R with us for all this, but not the boys who had a cub scout meeting. They left the house at the same time we did for a totally different direction, and got home about the same time too. Of course, the girls and I also went out for ice cream with Kiwi and her daughter after the show, so that was yummy. We got home around 10 I think, and had to be out the door by 8:30 Saturday morning, but that will get its own blog :-).
At least now I am caught up to this past week-end. I really am seeking to find the balance in everything this week so that I have time for what I want to do (like blog or work on my quilt)and time for what I should do (like make dinner or do the laundry). But I am blessed to have those dilemmas at all. I have wonderful kids, and we have a wonderful life. As we learned today in church, God knew when He chose me that He was getting a work in progress, and this week, I feel very much like my life is a construction zone :-). I'm glad God loves me enough to CARE that I become a better person, a more Christ-like person, even when the refining process is painful.